Thursday, 29 April 2010

Delhi Darshan and Discoveries apr'10

360, Oberoi : classic laid back luxury
* brilliant stone baked pizza
* just-right tiramisu
* temp a tad too low and leather seats a little chilly to sit on
* the ceiling is curiously funky albeit mildly threatening to one's sense of physical well being.
* pristine pool side view

Magique, Garden of Five Senses : summery intoxicating light headedness
* beautiful ambience
* water sprinklers leave the air cool and misty, though watch out for the heavy showers right under the fountain heads.
* the second last vegetarian main, a pasta, is the one pasta in the world i do love!
* the girly colorful cocktails are a breath of fresh air, wish the mango and strawberry concentrates were replaced by fresh pulp too.
* whatever your do, do not forget your mosquito repellent gel!

Smoke House Deli, Emporio : quirky elegant mid-mall meals
* the Bellini is the show stealer, perfect.
* surprisingly good greek salad, fresh feta, crisp lettuce, virgin olive oil...a few honey roasted pine nuts and i'd be ready to order a weekly subscription.
* a little noisy given the location, malls may be a threat to humankind.
* slightly confused and lost service.
* fun interiors, wish white was easier on the up keep...tacky in no time.

Lap, Samrat : Confused happening late nighter
* odd location, even odder interiors
* guest lists and a shipload full of exclusivity
* higher average age... but ofcourse, glad to have met dad's friends though.
* loads of space and regal gardens
* the last place rocking in delhi...5am and still going strong!
* uplifting dancey music but watch out for collision paths, the most elbowing crowd ever!

AI, MGF mall : outdoorsy trancey trippy times
* lively airy terrace spot unlike the dark dingy insides of most bars
* fun music but wish they'd turn up the sound!
* the smoothest kamikaze ever, kudos to the bartender!
* fun place to get happy high in large groups